Winter Aconite: Care & Propagation, Flowering Time

Winter Aconite Care & Propagation, Flowering Time in home garden

Winter aconite is one of the first early flowers to appear in our gardens, parks and forests at the end of winter. Here you can find out everything about planting, care and propagation of this spring flowering perennial.

With its bright yellow flowers, the winter aconite adds a welcome touch to otherwise dull gardens in the winter months and sets in the phenological calendar in early spring. In this article we look at some of the different varieties of winter aconite and give advice on planting and care for these early flowering perennials.

Winter aconite: flowering time and characteristics

Winter aconite (Eranthis), sometimes called winter corn or winter wolf's flight, is a genus of eight different species belonging to the buttercup family, Ranunculaceae. It is a non-invasive plant that originates from southern Europe but has naturalized in other parts of Europe and in the UK.

Winter aconite bulbs shoot green to bronze colored stems through the snow in early spring, usually between February and March. The yellow or white flowers usually have six petals and are formed at the end of the stem, surrounded by leaf-like petals. More leaves grow after the plant blooms. Fertile species result in four to eight 1.5 cm long fruits, which ripen from May, open to spread seeds. Rain helps disperse these seeds. In the summer, the plant dies and survives in the soil as bulbs until the following spring.

Are winter aconite plants suitable for bees? 

Winter Aconite Care & Propagation, Flowering Time in home garden with honey bee

One of the things that makes winter aconite especially suitable for bees is they are such an early source of food for wild bees and bumblebees. Similar to pansies (Viola), the winter aconite attracts many different insects to its flowers with its intense, sweet and fresh scent and rich supply of pollen and nectar.

Eranthis species and varieties

Here are some of the most beautiful species and varieties of Eranthis plants:

  • Eranthis hyemalis: This type of winter aconite is native to southern Europe and is the most widespread species in our gardens. It grows to a height of 5 to 10 cm, blooms already in February and has pale yellow flowers with compact petals. The variety Eranthis hyemalis 'Sulphur Glanz' has pale yellow flowers. Eranthis hyemalis 'Noël Ayres', on the other hand, has double, sterile green and yellow flowers. The golden yellow-flowered variety 'Winterzauber' (which means 'winter magic') begins to bloom already in December or January and is one of the earliest flowering varieties.
  • Eranthis cilicica: This winter type of aconite grows to a height of 5 to 10 cm, has a finely divided crown of leaves and a bronze stem. The yellow flowers bloom from March and are larger than those of E. hyemalis.
  • Eranthis x tubergenii: A sterile hybrid between E. hyemalis and E. cilicica, which can only be propagated by division. The winter terraconite species 'Guinea Gold' and 'Glory' have bronze hairy leaves and yellow flowers.
  • Eranthis pinnatifida: This winter aconite with white flowers is found in Japan and grows from 5 to 15 cm. The flowers of this species are white with bluish-purple stamens. The leaves are long and deeply lobed. Native to eastern Siberia, E. sibirica is another white-flowered species with 10 to 15 cm long flower stems bearing large white flowers with pale green stigmas. Unfortunately, both types of white Eranthis can be quite difficult to get your hands on.

Planting winter aconite: where, when and how

Aconite winter plants are typical inhabitants of forest and forest edges and feel at home among woody plants and deciduous trees. Their seeds can quickly spread over a large area, forming a beautiful carpet of flowers. These plants like sunny to semi-shady areas with fresh, well-drained and moderately fertile soil. Optimal soils, slightly alkaline, not too light and a little loamy.

Winter aconite in pots needs a good water supply, because the substrate dries out faster in pots than in the ground. Place potted Eranthis plants in a cool place in winter, but protect them from frost. Towards the end of winter, when the first shoots appear, you can put them outside again. Our organic flower compost Plantura is very suitable for growing winter aconite, as it has a loose structure and contains all the essential nutrients. You can mix clay such as bentonite into the soil to increase its water storage capacity.

Growing winter aconite from seed

Winter Aconite Care & Propagation, Flowering Time in home garden

Winter aconite seeds require cold stratification, meaning they need a colder period of temperatures between -4 and +4 °C to germinate. For this reason, it is best to plant Eranthis seeds in an empty space in the garden immediately after they ripen in summer. Sow them 0.5 to 1 cm deep in the ground and in the coming winter the cold will break the dormancy of the seeds. The first seedlings appear as early as January, but keep in mind that it takes about three years for the winter aconite plants to flower for the first time.

Tip: As the weather is cold, a snowfall in winter helps to soften the outer seed coat and accelerates germination.

Planting winter aconite bulbs

Eranthis is best planted in groups of 3 to 20 plants at a planting distance of 5 to 20 cm. Once established, plants will spread by self-seeding. Two species in particular, Eranthis hyemalis and Eranthis cilicica, are successful self-sowing plants that can reproduce themselves. Since sterile varieties do not self-seed, plant them closer together up to 400 bulbs per m² to create a dense carpet of flowers.

Planting small hard winter aconite bulbs between September and October is ideal. Pre-swelling the bulbs in hot water for a few hours in advance can help start the process. Plant the bulbs about 3 to 5 cm deep and about 5 to 20 cm apart. The bulbs are resistant and can remain on the beds all year round, so there is no need to dig them.

Care for winter Aconite

Eranthis plants are extremely easy to care for, as they survive most of the year in the ground. They do not need to be cut and you should not cut between plants, as this can damage the bulbs. If the spring is dry and hot, water the winter aconites regularly.

These easy care, early flowering plants have low nutrient requirements. However, if you are planting in poorer soil, add some compost or potting soil. After a few years in light, sandy soil, the nutrient reserves of the plant can be exhausted. You can tell when this happens because the plants bloom less, and in the case of a more acute lack of nutrients, the leaves can turn yellow early. In this case, apply a slow-release plant fertilizer, such as our Plantura flower food, to the area from March, when there is no danger of frost or when transplanting winter bulbs in containers. Water the plants after application. This granular fertilizer slowly releases nutrients over several months.

Propagation of winter aconite

Depending on the species, Eranthis plants can be propagated either by seed or division. Along with the fruits, the seeds can be collected between April and May and dried for later sowing.

Sterile hybrid varieties can only be propagated by division. This is done by dividing the plant with a shovel immediately after flowering and planting the daughter plants in another place. You can also transplant heavy small tubers individually in autumn from September.

Is winter aconite poisonous?

Due to containing cardiac glycosides throughout the all parts of the plant like all members of the shallot family, winter aconite is indeed highly toxic. Therefore, it is important to keep children and pets away from these attractive plants. Typical symptoms of poisoning include nausea, vomiting and cardiac arrhythmia or even cardiac arrest.

After winter, early flowering plants spring up, bringing a splash to our otherwise dreary landscapes. To discover earlier flowering plants, see our article on the 15 most beautiful spring flowering plants.

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